Wood Burning Sauna Heaters

Wood burning Sauna HeaterTransform your sauna into a place of ancient tranquility with a wood burning sauna stove. The gentle heat of the stove, coupled with the natural aroma of burning wood, guarantees a wonderfully relaxing and authentic sauna experience.

As the number one source for sauna heaters in the nation, we take pride in offering trusted wood sauna heater brands like HUMM wood burning stove and Harvia wood burning stove. Our selection of wood burning sauna heaters is designed to provide even heat and superior circulation, creating a sauna environment that is both stylish and fundamentally traditional at its roots.

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Buying a Wood Burning Sauna Stove from The Sauna Place

Experience the Timeless Tradition
A wood burning sauna heater offers a unique, time-honored way to heat your sauna. The ritual of starting the fire and the soothing crackle of wood add an extra layer of relaxation to your sauna experience, making it more than just a heat source, but a journey to tranquility.

Expert Assistance and Support
Let our knowledgeable salespeople assist you in selecting the perfect wood burning sauna stove. They are equipped with the expertise to guide you through our extensive selection, helping you understand the features, installation requirements, and maintenance tips for your new wood sauna heater.

Wood burning Heater FAQ

  1. How does a wood-burning sauna stove work? Wood-burning sauna stoves work by burning wood to generate heat. The stove typically consists of a fire chamber where wood is burned and a surrounding area where this heat is distributed to the sauna room. They often have a chimney to vent smoke and may include a space for heating water.
  2. What are the benefits of a wood-burning sauna stove?
    • Authentic Experience: They provide a traditional sauna experience with a natural feel.
    • Ambiance: The sound of crackling wood and the scent it emits adds to the sensory experience.
    • Off-Grid Capability: They are ideal for locations without electricity.
    • Heat Control: Allows for nuanced control over the sauna’s temperature and humidity.
  3. What are the challenges associated with wood-burning sauna stoves?
    • Maintenance: They require regular cleaning to remove ash and prevent chimney blockages.
    • Effort: Lighting and maintaining a fire takes more effort than using an electric stove.
    • Ventilation: Proper ventilation is crucial to ensure safety and comfort.
    • Regulations: Some areas have strict regulations regarding wood-burning appliances.
  4. How do I choose the right wood for my sauna stove?
    • Dry and Seasoned Wood: Ensures efficient burning and reduces smoke.
    • Hardwoods vs Softwoods: Hardwoods like oak and birch burn longer and produce more heat, while softwoods like pine light easier but burn faster.
    • Avoid Treated Wood: Treated or painted wood can release harmful chemicals when burned.
  5. How do I ensure safety with a wood-burning sauna stove?
    • Proper Installation: Ensure the stove is installed according to manufacturer guidelines.
    • Regular Inspections: Regularly check for any damage or issues.
    • Fire Safety: Keep a fire extinguisher nearby and ensure a good supply of fresh air.
    • Chimney Cleaning: Regularly clean the chimney to prevent the build-up of creosote, which can be a fire hazard.
  6. What is the best way to control temperature and humidity in a wood-burning sauna?
    • Adjusting Wood Amount: More wood increases heat; less wood reduces it.
    • Airflow Control: Use air vents or stove controls to adjust airflow and thus temperature.
    • Water on Stones: Throwing water on the stove’s stones increases humidity, affecting the perceived temperature.
  7. How will the type of wood I burn affect my sauna experience?
    • Heat Production and Duration: Different woods burn at varying rates and produce different amounts of heat. Hardwoods like oak, birch, or maple burn slower and generate more heat, leading to a longer-lasting and more intense sauna session. Softwoods like pine or spruce ignite more easily and burn faster, but they produce less heat over a shorter period.
    • Aroma: Different woods emit unique scents when burned. For example, cedar and pine are known for their pleasant, aromatic qualities, which can enhance the sensory experience of a sauna session. This aromatic aspect is a significant part of the sauna experience for many enthusiasts.
    • Smoke and Residue: Some woods, especially those that are resinous or not properly seasoned, can produce more smoke and leave more residue in the chimney or flue. This can affect air quality inside the sauna and require more frequent maintenance and cleaning.
    • Moisture Content: The moisture content of the wood impacts how it burns. Wood that is too damp can be difficult to ignite and may produce a lot of smoke and less heat. Properly seasoned wood, with low moisture content, burns more efficiently and cleanly.
    • Environmental Impact: The sustainability and source of the wood can also be a consideration. Using locally-sourced, sustainably-harvested wood can reduce the environmental footprint of your sauna.
    • Sound of Burning: The subtle crackling and popping sounds of wood burning in the stove contribute to the ambiance and relaxation experience in the sauna.